Assalamua'laikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Hello welcome back to again, and now I will story about my Nature Field Trip in Toraja Regency.

Lets Start it…..


For the first day we are gathered in Makassar Tourism Polytechnic for absension and loading the baggage lead by tour leader. 

Next we are heading to Kupa Beach restaurant in Barru regency for lunch. 

After lunch going to Bambapuang in Enrekang Regency for coffee break. 

And than we are arrive in Toraja Regency.

And than heading to Indra Hotel in Toraja Regency for check in.

And prepare for dinner in Ayam Penyet Restaurant in Toraja and get a little instruction from advisor and tour leader. 

After that we are going back to Indra Hotel for take a rest.

On the second day we are breakfast in Indra Hotel restaurant and than prepare for doing soft tracking.
After heaving breakfast at the hotel we are drive to Timenbayo exploring the nature of Toraja, 

and heaving local food at Batutumonga Mentirotiku Restourant.

After having lunch drive for Lempo to start the second tracking and than in tracking we get more than we now and more than we saw like about Tedong Bonga, Tare Tree,  Tongkonan House and Beautiful View In Toraja Regency. 

After enjoy the soft tracking we are going to visit Lombok Natural Grave in Toraja who has there is no hand made of people like Lemo and Londa.

After that we are drive to silk weaving centre at Todi in there we get knowledge about weaving specially from the people of Toraja Regency. 

And than we are back to hotel, and than directly go to the Aras Restourant this is one of famous restourant in Toraja Regency, in there we get dinner, sing a song and have fun together and the next we are back to hotel and get a little evaluation from the advisor and tour leader and back to individual rooms for over night.


In the morning we are breakfast in Indra Hotel Restaurant and prepare for back to Makassar Tourism Polytechnic but before that we are going to Kaa Coffee for know the history from Toraja Coffee.

And the next we are heading to Lakipadada and take a banner picture there.

And than continue the trip to Bambapuang in Enrekang Regency for coffee break.

And heading to Teras Empang Restourant For Lunch.

After heaving coffee break in Bambapuang we are heading to Traditional house in Pangkep Regency for know the charasteristic from the buginess house.

And late in the afternoon we are arrive in Makassar Tourism Polytechnic and Off the tour program.



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